Why do so many of my clients consider Green Hope High the best in Cary?
- The Triangle Business Journal ranked Green Hope High in the top 10 high schools in the Triangle.
- The high school does not have an enrollment cap.
- US News ranked Green Hope #11 in NC and #3 in the Triangle.
- The SAT scores, 1160, are some of the best in the Triangle.
- Green Hope High is located right next to the Cary Tennis Club.
- 95% of the students go to college and a good percentage finish the first year.
- The student body is diverse.
- The Green Hope High area is near RTP and the airport.
- Green Hope has a strong athletic program.
- It’s in a safe and affluent area.

What are the best neighborhoods in the Green Hope High district?
This isn’t a list of all of the neighborhoods, just the most popular. The price ranges overlap.
- In the 200-300 range there are some homes in parts of Preston, Park Village, Arlington Ridge in Amberly, Amesbury, Canterbury, Bond Pointe, MacArthur Park and Kenilworth. All of these neighborhoods were developed in the 1990’s.
- $300,000-$400,000 range, add to the above Sherwood Greens, WestPark and some homes in Wellsley and Carpenter Village.
- $400,000-$600,000 add Berkeley, Carramore, Riggsbee Farm, Somerset, Preston Village and Weatherstone.
- $600,000-$800,000 Many of the same neighborhoods that are in the 400-600 range including many homes in Preston and Carpenter Village, Glenkirk, Magnolia, and Highland Oaks.
- over $800,000 Preston, Glenkirk and Carpenter Village.